It is getting hot!
What we need is not isolated climate solution but a new way of thinking - Green thinking.
It is early May and the country is already facing a heatwave. Every natural disaster and extreme weather event prompts us to think about climate change.
Climate change theory posits that human activity has increased the amount of CO2 and that would be correct. It further posits that these emissions are the predominant cause of rising temperatures, and this is not so clear. As of now, scientifically, we can say the rise of CO2 is definitely ONE of the important explanatory variables. It is not clear if it is the MOST important or 5th important. That difference will be important consideration in determining the solutions.
Climate change policies are working on multiple pathways. The most important is to reduce the amount of CO2 we produce and put into the atmosphere. So the solutions range from using non-carbon solutions (electric vehicles, solar power, nuclear power) to carbon capture (carbon scrubbing, catalytic converter-based tech, etc.). As Bill Gates explained we need to go to ZERO emissions. (People believe Bill Gates is an evil genius, so take his opinions with a grain of salt, the data however is good)
Green thinking is a better solution
First, “climate” is a complex non-linear system. In such a system, a proverbial butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can produce a tornado in Texas. This is also the same type of system where the introduction of wolves saved the Yellowstone ecosystem. The way to stabilize such a system is to stick to basics and remain true to nature.
There are many elements to this Green thinking. Let me highlight three important ones today:
Green Cities
1) Trees
To me, CO2 withdrawal at speed and scale is important. And to this end, trees are the most important weapon.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
Trees use solar energy to capture atmospheric CO2 and plant it in the ground. Trees also provide shade, that keeps the soil water from evaporating. However, we need to avoid indulging in such misinformation as in the picture below. In general, the temperature in shade is about 7-15 degrees cooler than in the sun and it lowers the perceived temperatures (what weather apps call “feels like temperature”). Different types of trees and vegetation also change the cooling effect in different climatic conditions. Yet, having said that, recent research says that there is room for an additional 1.2 trillion new trees around the world that could absorb more carbon than human emissions each year.
When thinking of trees, I must highlight that lawns are not trees and they do not help in the systemic solution. They are better than open ground, but not necessarily systemic. In moderation, they work well but on a large scale, they contribute to the problem.
But “trees” also include ocean algae. These organisms are fast-growing plants that form the diet of many sea creatures. They do the work of trees in oceans. Again, just because algae grow fast and are a food source, does not mean we will plant them in excess only that we will not ignore them. Nature thrives on balance.
2) Water
Improving potable water is critical even for trees. It involves improving rivers and lakes and small water bodies. There are few important points when it comes to water.
Groundwater replenishment is critical for agriculture as well as for any vegetation in the area. The improves the condition of the sub-soil ecosystem allowing worms, insects, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and other life-form to thrive underground. These life forms enhance the ability of the soil to retain moisture (water) and allow the soil to hold nutrients for better quality produce. The Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are the natural lynchpin of all protein in the entire food chain.
Water catchment not only helps groundwater replenishment but also increases the soil's nutritional diversity by adding aquatic life to the equation. This calls for the rejuvenation of lakes, ponds and other water bodies that support a micro-ecosystem.
The previous Maharashtra Government championed an exceptional effort Jalyukta Shivar aimed at precisely this. The project was surprisingly well developed addressing comprehensive water challenges.
In general, lake rejuvenation is taking root.
3) Green Cities
Cities often have higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas and are often called urban heat islands. Green city problems are quite diverse.
Tree Canopy needs to improve. Everyone readily agrees that tree canopy cover in cities is quite limited. In Indian cities, it is very poor indeed. As explained above, tree shade reduces the perceived temperature between 7-15 degrees.
Water Bodies are modern airconditioning trick that reduces the air temperature. Indian cities need to design and create water bodies at various places.
Paved ground surfaces reduce the ability of the ground to breathe and absorb and release heat.
Circulation based urban design helps improve air circulation. This requires urban planners to be aware of the general direction of winds in the area across the seasons. For e.g. cities close to large water bodies have the wind blowing into the cities during the day and away from cities into the water body at night.
Oxygen replenishment is another factor in how good you feel in a city. Cities are naturally crowded and oxygen content in the air is lower at street level. Cities, therefore, need parks and dense forestation areas within wind zones to enrich the air.
Radiation attenuation is another area that is often ignored but is more relevant in today’s high-rise culture. The presence of a building affects the dispersion of solar radiation in the surrounding area. This is because of the nature of the materials used in the building and the lack of radiation absorption in the building and vicinity. Concrete, glass steel, reflect more radiation than say wood, earthen tiles etc. Vertical greening Vertical/rooftop gardens reduce reflected radiation too.
Green Buildings has become a catch-phrase without full comprehension. Till about 20 years ago, Bombay High Court courtrooms were not air-conditioned. Yet, the design allows for a gentle breeze which made the building among the coolest in the area. After airconditioning, (which was a nightmare considering how many windows that structure had), Bombay High Court passageways and other non-airconditioned common areas have turned into a furnace. It seems the science of ventilation, air circulation, lighting etc. seems to have regressed since 1878 when the Bombay High Court was built.
In Sum
If you evaluate India’s performance on these fronts, you would be surprised to know that India has actually improved the Green cover drastically. We still have a long way to go but we are adding to the tree count. The efforts for the rejuvenation of lakes and groundwater replenishment I have highlighted above. However, India does critically lack Green Cities. We need a HUGE push in this area. So, as we find temporary ways of cooling off, let us force companies, politicians and experts to adopt green thinking.
Check out this interesting tool measuring tree canopy by Google.