Interesting Readings 26 March 2018
Bernanke, Geithner & Paulson on the 2008 financial crisis
The problem of the crisis is the story of blind men and the elephant.
Micheal Batnik links to GMO 7 year forecast and it does not make a pretty picture.

Look at this -from visual capitalist courtsey Barry Ritholtz.

Another thanks to Barry Ritholtz.

Another interesting quote about differential treatment of Martin Shkreli and Elizabeth Holmes
Thanks to Gulzar Natranjan. The quote goes thus:
John C. Coffee Jr., a professor at Columbia Law School who teaches classes on white-collar crime, said, “Typically you get more sympathy from the criminal justice system if you’re an attractive young woman than a brash, arrogant young male”... In comparison to Mr. Shkreli’s fraud, the Holmes allegations “are really a different order of magnitude,” Ms. Apps said.
Some reads from V Ananthanageswaran on China
Specially the Kevin Rudd speech
India Bank Fraud
Three articles from Anjan Basu on the fraud. Thanks to Gulzar Natrajan again.
Are India’s Public Sector Banks at Their Nadir?
Three Reforms That Also Set India's Public Banks on a Bad Loans Path
As the Industry Changed, India’s Public Banks Lost the Most and Won the Least
Any deterioration in a sector is result of many small mis-steps. These three articles give the details of how small interventions possibly led to present predicament.
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