How should we treat captured criminals?
HOW a criminal is treated after s/he is caught and locked up in custody is important. It can create terrorists out of criminals or create criminals out of terrorists. Let me explain why.
There was a deadly attack on Indian Parliament on 13-Dec-2001. On December 13th, 2023, it would be 22nd anniversary of that event, two people infiltrated the new Parliament building and opened yellow smoke canisters. In addition, four others from their group were opening yellow gas canisters outside. These people were caught. While they were walked to their lockup they raised some political slogans. (note the lady in the video below).
Commentators have talked about these ad nausem by now. But they have not touched upon one important topic - the post apprehension treatment of these people.
Let us notice how police arrest criminals.
There are a lot of psychological factors at play when police arrest criminals/terrorists etc. Do they cover their face, do they cuff their hands behind or in the front, do they point guns or weapons at them, do they grab them by collar or hold them by their hands. It depends upon what crime the person is accused of, what is the status of the person, and many more factors.
Examine the following photos of Mumbai Police with captured criminals and terrorists:

Here are pictures of Mumbai Police apprehending financial scammers.

Here is Israeli IDF forces capturing Hamas terrorists in a humiliating manner. Since Hamas and other Islamic terrorists tend to wear suicide vests and blow themselves up. So Israel humiliates them thus:

Here is US police catching some perps.

Criminal becomes a political protestor; terrorist becomes a freedom fighter.
If you give them an opportunity, a criminal becomes a political protestor. There is no difference in acts, just spew some political slogans and opposition parties give you platform. If you are terrorist you just claim some persecution and become political hot-potato.
If the US had allowed the body of Osama bin Laden to be buried, it would have become a memorial of sorts and created a big problem. The US was right to dispose of his body at sea.
How would I have arrested the parliamentary intruders?
I would have treated them like terrorists and hidden them from public view. If they were seen outside, I would order the forces to shoot them. Many Indian Army stations carry the board saying “trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again.”
The critical part of the act is to send a message that
Parliament is sacred place for democracy
breaking the law here will not be tolerated,
it will be dealt with extreme prejudice
You will have no air-time or no political mileage from this act
You will be tagged as a terrorist for lifetime.
You will be charged for waging war against the country.
I have written about this previously in the post titled Sentencing terrorists.
In Sum
I am sick of random people claiming political right to protest as a cover for terrorist activities. It is time rule of law is respected and applied uniformly.
I hope to have brought to your notice the nuances of police process. Next time do look for these clues and let me know what you think.